Code: P0218

Piper wet cat food with Salmon

Questo prodotto è Available

Formato: 400 g.

2,50 € iva inc.
Scopri gli sconti multipack

X 10

25,01 € iva inc.
23,77 € iva inc.


PIPER pet food is a complete and live product that covers 100% of the daily requirement of all nutrients, minerals and vitamins of adult cats / cats of all breeds with moderate physical activity, staying in comfortable environmental conditions, not in pregnant or breastfeeding. It has been balanced in terms of nutrient content based on modern nutritional standards and proper nutrition recommendations. It ensures the correct maintenance of the mineralization of bones and teeth and the correct development of all metabolic processes. Particularly valuable is the presence of a high content of EPA and DHA acids

400 g.
55% carne e derivati, brodo, pesce e prodotti ittici (10% filetto di salmone), sostanze minerali
Vitamina D3 - 240 UI, Vitamina C - 550 mg, Vitamina E - 95 mg, Zinco (chelato di zinco della glicina idrato, ossido di zinco) - 13 mg, Rame (solfato di rame, pentaidrato) - 2 mg, Manganese (solfato di manganese, monoidrato) ) - 0,5 mg, Iodio (iodato

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