Code: 4V133

4Vets Umido Gatto Sterilized

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Formato: 185 g.

1,83 € iva inc.
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X 6

10,98 € iva inc.
10,43 € iva inc.


The 4vets Sterilized Veterinary Diet is a complete food for cats after sterilization and neutering. Thanks to the L-carnitine content and reduced calorie content, it is recommended for use in the prevention of overweight and obesity. Thanks to the excellent content of minerals, which maintain a suitably low urine pH, the food supports the health of the cat's urinary tract.

The gonadectomy procedure is one of the basic tools for controlling the pet population. It causes significant changes in the cat's hormonal balance. Animals undergoing the castration / spay procedure are 3-4 times more likely to be obese than those with a functioning reproductive system.

Research shows that due to the altered energy balance, the energy needs of animals decrease after treatment. A prophylactic solution in the feeding of neutered and neutered cats is the use of foods that reduce the risk of overweight and obesity and associated disorders.


Before administering the diet, it is recommended that you contact a veterinarian to determine the dose. The cat should be given room temperature food with at least two meals a day. Food should be introduced into the diet gradually over a period of approximately five days. The cat should have constant access to fresh drinking water.


Chicory - is a rich source of inulin, which is a prebiotic, that is, a nutrient for the physiological intestinal flora. Normal intestinal flora hinders the growth of pathological bacteria in the digestive tract of animals.

Cranberry - hippuric acid contained in the fruit has a bacteriostatic effect, furthermore the presence of proanthocyanidin, combining with the bacterial fimbria, inactivates the adhesins, thus preventing them from adhering to the cells of the epithelium of the urinary tract. Cranberry is effective in lowering the pH of the urine, which results in less bacterial multiplication in the bladder and urinary tract. Thanks to these properties, it supports the process of curing recurrent infections and chronic urinary tract infections in cats.

Dried brewer's yeast (sources of prebiotics: mannan-oligosaccharides and β-glucans) - their presence stimulates the response of immune system cells located in the lymphoid tissue clusters of the digestive tract, making it more resistant to environmental factors.

L-carnitine - ensures the targeted and easier transport of fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are metabolized, the accelerated energy catabolism thus obtained helps to increase the lipolysis of adipose tissue.

High protein quality: the feed is based on healthy animal protein sources (turkey and tuna) with a very favorable amino acid composition. Thanks to the use of these protein sources, it is possible to provide the right proportion of energy and building components necessary to maintain a constant body weight.

DL-methionine - an exogenous amino acid belonging to the group of sulfur amino acids, is an important source of organic sulfur. Extremely important amino acid for the functioning of the animal organism. Helps maintain the correct pH of the urine, promoting the health of the urinary tract.

185 g.